1·It helps me have a keen mind to report something at a fast speed and have a strong body to work day and night.
2·He's a keen mind.
3·Yang's TV skills are matched by a keen mind for business.
4·He was dedicated to the Imperial cause, taking his position as commander of Imperial Center Oversector seriously, and he had a keen mind for military strategy.
5·Security "cookbooks" are surprisingly useful, and a keen mind can grow to understand quite a lot about security principles from the "recipes" in these books by considering why and how they work.
6·People believe they are not worth much. And there's tens of millions of people around the world trapped with a keen mind and big heart, trapped inside of a body that cannot articulate what they feel.
7·I'm not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I don't mind the fencing.
8·A I'm not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I don't mind the fencing.
9·If you don't, you may be giving the impression that you are not confident, lacking in-depth knowledge regarding the job or the organization, not keen in learning, or do not have an inquisitive mind.
10·That need to get western shareholders on board focuses the mind of the Chinese managers who are keen to have a foreign listing so that they can raise more capital and build an international profile.